
All possible strata defined by the possible combinations of stratum variable levels.
stratum crazyness sex
S01 weak male
S02 weak female
S03 medium male
S04 medium female
S05 strong male
S06 strong female


Possible therapies to be applied to the patients.
acronym therapy
joke Tell funny jokes
nojoke Keep serious!

List of Patients with Stratum and Treatment

Full list of patients with information on stratum and treatement.
patient stratum sex crazyness treatment
P001 S06 female strong joke
P002 S04 female medium joke
P003 S06 female strong joke
P004 S06 female strong joke
P005 S01 male weak nojoke
P006 S01 male weak joke
P007 S01 male weak nojoke
P008 S02 female weak nojoke
P009 S02 female weak joke
P010 S04 female medium joke
P011 S05 male strong nojoke
P012 S05 male strong joke
P013 S02 female weak joke
P014 S01 male weak joke
P015 S05 male strong joke
P016 S03 male medium joke
P017 S05 male strong nojoke
P018 S01 male weak joke
P019 S03 male medium nojoke
P020 S02 female weak nojoke
P021 S05 male strong nojoke
P022 S01 male weak nojoke
P023 S06 female strong nojoke
P024 S06 female strong joke
P025 S06 female strong nojoke
P026 S01 male weak nojoke
P027 S06 female strong nojoke
P028 S02 female weak joke
P029 S03 male medium nojoke
P030 S05 male strong joke
P031 S06 female strong nojoke
P032 S03 male medium joke
P033 S03 male medium nojoke
P034 S04 female medium nojoke
P035 S01 male weak joke
P036 S03 male medium joke
P037 S06 female strong joke
P038 S04 female medium nojoke
P039 S04 female medium nojoke
P040 S01 male weak nojoke

Number of Patients within each Stratum

Number n of patients in stratum and numbers n.therapy of patients that are treated with therapy
stratum crazyness sex n n.joke n.nojoke
S01 weak male 9 4 5
S02 weak female 5 3 2
S03 medium male 6 3 3
S04 medium female 5 2 3
S05 strong male 6 3 3
S06 strong female 9 5 4

Therapies by Stratum

Stratum: S01 (crazyness = weak, sex = male)

Number of patients in stratum: 9
Block length: 8

Patiens falling into stratum ‘S01’, with their assigned treatment.
patient therapy
P005 nojoke: Keep serious!
P006 joke: Tell funny jokes
P007 nojoke: Keep serious!
P014 joke: Tell funny jokes
P018 joke: Tell funny jokes
P022 nojoke: Keep serious!
P026 nojoke: Keep serious!
P035 joke: Tell funny jokes
P040 nojoke: Keep serious!

Stratum: S02 (crazyness = weak, sex = female)

Number of patients in stratum: 5
Block length: 4

Patiens falling into stratum ‘S02’, with their assigned treatment.
patient therapy
P008 nojoke: Keep serious!
P009 joke: Tell funny jokes
P013 joke: Tell funny jokes
P020 nojoke: Keep serious!
P028 joke: Tell funny jokes

Stratum: S03 (crazyness = medium, sex = male)

Number of patients in stratum: 6
Block length: 6

Patiens falling into stratum ‘S03’, with their assigned treatment.
patient therapy
P016 joke: Tell funny jokes
P019 nojoke: Keep serious!
P029 nojoke: Keep serious!
P032 joke: Tell funny jokes
P033 nojoke: Keep serious!
P036 joke: Tell funny jokes

Stratum: S04 (crazyness = medium, sex = female)

Number of patients in stratum: 5
Block length: 4

Patiens falling into stratum ‘S04’, with their assigned treatment.
patient therapy
P002 joke: Tell funny jokes
P010 joke: Tell funny jokes
P034 nojoke: Keep serious!
P038 nojoke: Keep serious!
P039 nojoke: Keep serious!

Stratum: S05 (crazyness = strong, sex = male)

Number of patients in stratum: 6
Block length: 6

Patiens falling into stratum ‘S05’, with their assigned treatment.
patient therapy
P011 nojoke: Keep serious!
P012 joke: Tell funny jokes
P015 joke: Tell funny jokes
P017 nojoke: Keep serious!
P021 nojoke: Keep serious!
P030 joke: Tell funny jokes

Stratum: S06 (crazyness = strong, sex = female)

Number of patients in stratum: 9
Block length: 8

Patiens falling into stratum ‘S06’, with their assigned treatment.
patient therapy
P001 joke: Tell funny jokes
P003 joke: Tell funny jokes
P004 joke: Tell funny jokes
P023 nojoke: Keep serious!
P024 joke: Tell funny jokes
P025 nojoke: Keep serious!
P027 nojoke: Keep serious!
P031 nojoke: Keep serious!
P037 joke: Tell funny jokes